Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Idea Counts (Week 7)

This week was an interesting week especially in our digital media lecture and lab. In our digital media class we were introduced to a SFX assignment which looks very exciting and promising. Using other means to produce sound is very difficult, yet interesting. I loved the example where they used fruits and vegetables to reproduce a video game. The sounds sounded so real it was kind of scary. All the sounds were reproduced using secondary means such as fruits and vegetables. This assignment is very exciting but will be very difficult to reproduce an image using other means of sound.
In our digital media lab we got our hands on the flash program, learning the fundamentals. This week we learned how to make a motion guide which allowed us to make a bee move around the page. This might sound like nothing but the reward was thrilling for me. We got to create a path in which allowed the bee to move anywhere around the page. The most exciting thing this week was putting sound. The sound made the flash video complete. Without sound it did not feel complete. I learned more about flash however, only two weeks using the program there is a lot more to learn. One thing I’m looking forward to is using the slideshow tool. As mentioned in the previous week I want to create a possible slideshow interaction. I believe the interaction tool will allow me to create a basic yet exciting flash video.

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